
Microbial & Mushroom Biotechnology Lab of Prof. MP Singh is engaged in research on various aspect of human welfare ranging from food, disease to environmental problems. Microorganisms have a close association with humans. They are in us, on us and everywhere around us. They directly or indirectly affect human as well as other organisms. They are source of food, antibiotic and used to make pickles, yogurt, soft drinks, beer, wine etc. Mushroom biotechnology has potential to mitigate the problems of food, malnutrition, disease, energy crisis and environmental degradation. Mushrooms have become an important tool for restoration, replenishment and remediation of earth’s overburdened ecosphere. They can be panacea of all these ills.

Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.

-Albert Szent- Gyorgyi-